Thursday, September 8, 2011


Obtaining a intimate relationship means that one involves themselves fully to a relationship, assuming monogamy. If one were to keep this ideal intact in a business situation then it would be like a inebriated(read: wasted) 21 year old betting it all on lucky 7. You can achieve great success when it goes well, but when the structure fails you feel it so much worse than if one were to branch out and search other endeavors.

I believe one mate is sufficient, although some may find success by spreading their seed like monsanto, for me at least: one person can provide satisfactory(referring to a mate as satisfactory is remarkably unsexy) joy.

The melancholy sensations in uncertainty requires a pensive mind to seek an answer to the plaguing question. What improvements must I make?Was I wrong and should I change who I am? Or is this something that defines me and perhaps my mate must then decide whether they shall embrace or discard me.

There's a lot of unaswered questions is relationships, ultimately it is a work in progress. The dynamics are like any other interaction, and they can provide for meaningful encounters, rich in depth. But when it falters and progress halts, it can be a lingering sensation of inadequacy, uncertainty, and hopelessness.

The ultimate question beckons, is it worth it?

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